The PHP output buffering will save all the server outputs ( html and php prints) to a string variable.
So to start buffering, use ob_start(); this will keep saved any output.
Then you use $variable = ob_get_clean(); to stop buffering, and copy the buffer content to the variable.
Here are few samples of the use of ob_start() and ob_get_clean()
<?php ob_start(); //Turn on output buffering ?>
Hello world, <a href="">link</a>
<div class="style">Content</div>
<?php $var = ob_get_clean(); //copy current buffer contents into $message variable and delete current output buffer ?>
Now the content of the variable $var should be:
Hello word, <a href="">link</a>
<div class="style">Content</div>
Another example (with php outputs buffered)
<?php ob_start(); ?>
Hello world, <?php echo "My Website"; ?>
Thank you.
<?php $var = ob_get_clean(); ?>
And this will be the content of $var:
Thank you.
That's all !