PHP Operators

All programming languages use some operators to manipulate operations on variables and values such as assign, multiply, add, subtract and concatenate them, the operators may be between a variable and a value, or between two values, or between two variables.
Operators have the form of symbols (such as + and -) and combinations of symbols (such as ++ and +=).

Arithmetic operators:
The Arithmetic operators are:

Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus (division remainder)
++ Increment
-- Decrement

PHP Code & examples:
$var1 = 25 + 5 ; // returns 30
$var2 = $var1 / 5 ; // returns 6
$var3 = $var1 + $var2 ; // returns 36

Assignment operators:
The Assignment operators are used to facilitate assigning values to variables:

Operator Description
+= Addition and Assignment
-= Subtraction and Assignment
*= Multiplication and Assignment
/= Division and Assignment
% Modulo and Assignment
.= Concatenation and Assignment

PHP Code & examples:
$var = 20 ;

$var = $var + 5 ; // returns 25
// We can use the addition and assignment
$var += 5 ; // returns 25
//these two methods return the same result, but as you see, the second is shorter and better !

Comparison Operators:
The Comparison Operators returns a value true or false after comparing two values:

Operator Description
== is equal to
!= is not equal
is greater than
< is less than
>= is greater than or equal ro
<= is less than or equal to

the comparaison operators are the most of time used in conditions:
$var = 20 ;
if ($var1==$var2)
// this instruction will be executed only if $var1 is equal to $var2
if ($var1!=$var2)
// this instruction will be executed only if $var1 is not equal to $var2
if ($var1<$var2)
// this instruction will be executed only if $var1 is less than $var2

// and this is also possible:
$var = ($var1==$var2);

Logical Operators:
The logical Operators are used in conditions, they make a relation between two or more condition. Logical operations are also know as Boolean operators:

Operator Description
&& And: returns true only if two operands (conditions/expressions) are trues
Or: returns true if at least one of the two operands returns true
Not: if the operand is true, returns false, else returns true
Xor: returns true if only one of the operands returns true. If the two operands are true, it returns false.

Increment and decrement Operators:
The logical Operators are used in conditions, they make a relation between two or more condition. Logical operations are also know as Boolean operators:

Operator Description
++$var Increments the variable value before it is used in rest of expression
Decrements the variable value before it is used in rest of expression
Increments the variable value after it is used in rest of expression
Decrements the variable value after it is used in rest of expression


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