PHP some filesystem functions

PHP have many functions to acces and manipulate files, the most important filesystem functions are posted here...

basename() : Returns the filename component from a path.
$path = "/directory1/index.html";
echo basename($path);
// display: index.html
echo basename($path ,".html" ); // display: index

file_exists() : Checks if a file or directory exists ot not.
echo file_exists("test.txt"); // returns True if exists, otherwise returns False

rename() : Renames a file or directory.
rename("dir1","dir2"); // You can rename a file or a folder

copy() : Copies a file.

unlink() : Deletes a file.
unlink("file.txt"); // returns True if deleted successfully, False if not deleted.

filesize() : Returns the size of the file.
echo filesize("file.txt"); // returns the size of file.txt in bytes, or False in failure.

filetype() : Returns the file type.
echo filetype("file.txt"); // returns type: file.
//Possible types are: file, dir, link, block, char, fifo, unknown.

is_readable() : Checks whether a file is readable, returns true if yes.
is_writable() : Checks whether a file is writeable, returns true if yes.

fileperms() : Returns the permissions of a file.
filemtime() : Returns the last modification time of a file, Display a number in second, to convert it to humain redable date format, use:
echo date("F d Y H:i:s", filemtime("test.txt")); // returns date format: September 03 2008 18:27:35

If you have any question, or need more details or functions, post a comment here.


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